Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy also known as HBOT to the medical profession is a therapy, in which a client breathes 100% pure medical grade oxygen whilst inside a treatment chamber at a level higher than atmospheric pressure. It is the new application of an old technology to help resolve certain medical problems.

When a client is given 100% oxygen under pressure, haemoglobin is saturated, but the blood can be hyper-oxygenated by dissolving oxygen into the plasma- which gets to damaged tissues in stronger concentrations.

In some cases, it represents the only treatment needed, whilst in others it is an additional treatment to surgery or drugs.

Therapy will be carried out in our multiplace chamber which holds up to 7 people ( clients, and/or support personnel ); the chamber is pressurised with compressed air while the patients breathe 100% oxygen via respirator masks

Breathing 100% pure medical grade oxygen at 1 atmosphere (Air pressure) or exposing isolated parts of the body to 100% oxygen does not constitute HBOT therapy. The client must receive the oxygen by breathing it in a pressurised chamber.